Saturday, November 5, 2011

Almost there!

I am apprehensive...

My currently location is Downingtown PA. I've been here for a little less than a week, visiting family, taking it easy and being lazy. And looking for some answers. I am sooo close!! ... But what does it all mean? Why did I do this again? What's the point of going to New York? Do I want it to be over, or do I want it to never end? I've been spending the last week and a half not bicycling toward my destination. And I know what you're thinking, that's Greg just being Greg; taking his sweet time, running late, whatever. But it feels different this time. It's not just a reluctance to end the trip; I think I am reluctant to move on to a new chapter of my life. How will I be different post Pan-American ride? Will I have to settle down or can I continue to be an irresponsible bum? Can I keep dreaming of the next adventure? I feel like I will confront most, if not all, of these questions upon my completion of this thing, but in the meantime it's way easier to watch TV at my Aunt and Uncle's place than think about these grand ideas.

But TV? Come on, man, get it together! Enough is enough. I feel lazy and sluggish and I don't like it. I bet some people live their entire lives feeling like this. Like they've come close to their goals, but it's easier to take the comfortable routine than aim big and fail. I've got to finish this ride so I can move on to the next big idea.  And what might that next big idea be?  Here's a few of them, in no particular order:

1) Become a real pilot (airlines or something along those lines)
2) Kayak from Alaska to Bellingham
3) Open up my own small business, a pie catering company called Three Point One Four
4) Open up my own small business called Manhattan Hats, and Gentleman's Accessories
5) Learn how to tap dance
6) Move somewhere completely new and exciting
7) Ride my bike to Florida, then to California coast, then back up to Washington
8) Be a drummer on a cruise ship

I don't have to do all of these things, but some would be great. I've decided I don't want any one thing to define the arc of my life (like pilot, or musician, etc.) I want to be a renaissance man. A tap dancing renaissance man!

So let's wrap this thing up! My plan is to leave Downingtown tomorrow, then it should be only a two day ride to the big city, and glory!

I am excited...


  1. Give Mason a kiss for me, and I like all of your ideas except #1. TB

  2. Let me know where you're coming into NYC, I'll be apart of the cheering party.

  3. I have loved every minute of reading your blog the last five (six?) months! Rock on Greg Jans!

  4. Randomly decided to check back on your blog to see when you finished...Good work! And I love the pie company idea. Probably more than I should. Congrats on the job and I look forward to hearing what you decide to do for your next big adventure!
