Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sandpoint to Missoula

Welcome back!  Sorry its taken me so long to update-- I have been having FUN.  That's three capital letters worth of fun.  A metric shit ton of fun, if I do say so.  Montana is a great state, seriously, I have met so many cool people along the way.  But let me bring you up to speed.
 That's Lake Pend Oreille above and the city of Sandpoint Below

I spent another two nights in Sandpoint before leaving, hanging out with James B (a family friend and all around good guy), his girlfriend and her family. I had a great time- we rode bikes to the top of Mt. Schwitzer but the weather was terrible. We got rained on and the view from the top was obscured by fog. So I finally made it out of Sandpoint the next day and it felt great to be back on the road.  I had met some super people, but I was definitely ready to move on. So I crossed the border into Montana. It took two days to ride into Missoula along senic hiway 200. While riding I met and camped with a newlywed couple, Dan and Liz.  We rode together for a while, but on the second day I had to leave them behind--Why, you ask...well it was Saturday and I wanted to make it to Missoula so I could party on a saturday night.  So I rode all 125 miles to Missoula.  It was brutal but so worth it- Those last 40 miles all I was thinking about was a cold IPA and a veggie burger; but I made it, and let me tell you that IPA was sooo tasty.  I stayed in Missoula with Jamie and Jeremy, friends from ND, and of course we went out that night to Charlie Bs for a couple more beers. 
I ended up spending four nights in Missoula.  I drank a lot of coffee at the coffee shops, ate a lot of pastries at the bakeries and drank a fair amount of beer at the bars.  It was all kinds of fun-- if you've never been to Missoula, you owe it to yourself to visit.  Fun town.


So here's a story.  I was sittin in M town with Dan and Liz eating some burritos outside.  Having a good time.  When we hear some music from up the street.  What's going on, we said to ourselves.  As the music got closer, we could distinguish one import aspect: it was funky!  It was funky as shit!  I know funk, people, and this music was Fun-Kay!  It was a brass band, a la New Orleans, and they were playing for a wedding.  The bride and groom were at the front, the band behind them, and a gaggle of people dancing in the streets following them.  So what did we do?  We danced it up! It was great.  I am totally going to have a funky brass band playing at my wedding (not that Im ever going to get married, of course. That's not my style!)

In conclusion, Missoula was awesome!  I want to live there.  More pictures on the photo bucket site:

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