Monday, April 4, 2011

Hello, is this thing on? Can you hear me?

How's that, Jeff?  Are we on?.... Yea can you bring up the house a little bit.  That's great, and these cords here, that's not a problem?  Wonderful, thanks!

Well, welcome everyone!  Welcome to my web log, or "blog" as the young people are calling it.  My name is Greg, but most people call me Kablamo.  Boy have we got a fun night in store for you, its going to be a blast.  You're going to get the full story here, people, no censors, no editing, just live, raw, uncut, adventure.  You, the viewer in the audience, will see what I see, hear what I hear, and smell what I touch as I embark on adventure of a lifetime.  Riding my newly purchased bicycle (a Long Haul Trucker by Surly) across the country.  America, to be more specific.  Its going to be quite a journey, let me tell you.  Around the beginning of June I will depart from Bellingham Washington.  From there I will travel more or less east until I strike the Atlantic ocean, with brief but flavorful stopovers in Wenatchee, Sandpoint, Missoula, Grand Forks, Duluth, Minneapolis, [insert Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ontario here], Philadelphia, New York, and MORE!

Now, I know what you're all thinking.  You're thinking 'wow, this is a cool idea, but will he make it?  Does the Greg that I know, a simple and humble man not usually given to adventure or imagination, really posses the will power?  The motivation?  The Stamina and fortitude to realize such a lofty goal?  We could wait for time to tell, but who wants to do that-- I got the answer right here.
*holds up envelope*
Can I get a drum roll...Jeff do we have a drum roll on cue?
...and the answer is....*opens envelope*
Nicolas Cage for his role in Season of the Witch!!  Mr. Cage has just won yet another Oscar!
Just kidding...haha, yea come on people, who I did fool, hands up...yea lets be honest here

The answer is of course a resounding: Probably!  I will probably make it from coast to coast without being struck by a motorist, succumbing to heat stroke, eaten by a bear or getting tired and bored by the rocky mountains.  Truthfully, it will be all about the journey, not so much the destination.  I am going to give myself about three months, but I may just keep going until I run out of money.  And after all, what is being eaten by a bear really, but a great story to tell around the campfire years down the road.  This is why you people are in such a prime position; I'll bring the adventure to you and all I ask in return is that you put up with my ramblings, and wait until the commercial breaks to get up for snacks and to use the restroom.

So here it is folk: the start of the blog.  For now it will be in the future tense, but once I get on that road, 15ft wide, 4000 miles long, You can live the dream right along with me!  That's all for now, people.  If I can figure out how to upload pictures I will post some of my gear for all the bike nerds in the audience.  Stay tuned for more updates, you've been a great crowd, Goodnight!


  1. Far out! I'm looking forward to your adventure, Greg!

  2. I'm lauging out loud. That's LOL for short. I think it was the sharing the eaten by a bear story around a campfire, years later. I look forward to that one.

    Can't wait. Plan on one attentive reader here.

    All the best!

  3. If you feel like stopping over in Iowa City, you are certainly more than welcome to do so :) love you, darling!!! I have 110% faith in you!
